
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Announcing event Flavours of Maharastra

The  "Flavour of "  event completes its journey in Goa  where we sampled Goan cuisine at Dennys
ohtastensee. Thankyou Denny for guest hosting this lovely event.

We continue our  travels through India to our next destination of Maharastra.
Announcing new event Flavours of Maharastra, the months of Febuary and March are set aside to create beautiful, and tasty Maharastrain food. The event is being hosted by PJ  of seduce your tastebuds
I hope every one will be as exited as I am to try out this wonderful cuisine.So what are we waiting for do join me by putting on your aprons and get cooking and sharing your creations  here .


  1. I've never tried Marathi food before.. while I'm not sure if I'll take part in the festival, I'm definitely curious to explore! What are you planing to make?


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