
Friday, April 1, 2011

Announcing Create n Carve ~ Fruit and Veg Event April 2011

Create n Carve ~ Fruit and Vegetable Event April 2011

Create n Carve  ~ Fruit and Vegetable Event  is now in its 4th Month and I am pleased to announce that the event has returned to be hosted at for the month of April.
The event  has really picked up over the last few months and more bloggers are taking an avid interest in this wonderful  art. Helen of Fuss free flavours was the guest host of this event during March , a big thankyou to her for supporting this event.You will see the awesome round up very soon on her blog.
This event is all about awakening our creativity.Using any fruit or vegetable you can make simple garnishes, salads, make pictures, carve leaves, flowers, cut pretty fruit and veg shapes, carve baskets or animals in fact any type of carving or garnish will be accepted for the event entry.

A plate of food that is colourful and pleasing to the eye can often encourage the fussiest eater to sample it especially children.
You can use cookie cutters, knives, fancy garnish cutters, graters any tool to help you create your piece of art.You may send entries where you have used your garnish or carving on a cooked dish but remember the main emphasis should be to show the carving /creation.

Please click here to get some helpful ideas ans see videos on how to start basic garnishes and carvings.

1.Using fruit or vegetable show a garnish or carving you have created . You can post instructions on how to create your garnish / carving although it is not compulsary. If you use an on line source or video to help you , please do not forget to link the source due to copyright reasons and of course to give full credit to the owner.
2. Post your entry on your blog .
3. Multiple entries allowed.
4. Non bloggers can participate by emailing their details.
5. You must link this post to your entry post, use of logo is mandatory as it helps to spread the word of the event.
6. Send your completed entries  to Please put Create n Carve April in subject box.

Also include these details:
Your name-
Blog Name-
Your post name-
Your post URL-
Image no larger than 300 pixels

Looking forward to some wonderful entries.I hope more bloggers will be encouraged to attempt a garnish or carving and participate in this event.

You  may like:
Fruit and Vegetable carvings
You can also purchase knives and books by clicking on these amazon links.


  1. Thanks for the lovely I will try to sent some entries

  2. Thanks for the lovely I will try to sent some entries

  3. Hi Dear,

    Collect some awards from my blog :)

  4. I am not so good in carving, still I will try to participate :)

  5. I'm also not good in carving, but try to send some..

  6. Nice event! Never tried carving before but nothing harm to try out. Thanks for voting dear...

  7. Hi Nayna, Here is my contribution to the Event April 2011



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