
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Geelrys - Savoury South African yellow rice

Savoury and sweet  rice with aromatic cinnamon flavour.


120 grams / 4 oz  basmati rice
250 ml hot water
30 grams / 1 oz raisins
1 tablespoon brown sugar(optional)
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil


1. Wash the rice and soak it in cold water for 30 minutes.
2. Drain the rice and keep aside.
3. Heat oil in a large lidded frying pan.
4. When it is hot add the cinnamon stick,  and sauté for 30 seconds.
5.Add the drained rice, raisins, turmeric and salt and sauté the rice for 2-3 minutes until rice grains are coated in oil.
5. Add 250 ml  hot water and bring the rice to boil, once rice is boiling turn the heat to lowest setting and cover the pan.Cook covered for 20 minutes.(Do not open the pan lid during this time)
6. After 20 minutes open the pan and fluff the rice with a fork.
Transfer to a serving dish and garnish with more raisins.

NB- If using brown sugar add it at step 5

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Bunny Chow

Submitting to:
Flavours of  South Africa, event by guest hosted by PJ of seduce your tastebuds


  1. Looks similar to our yellow rice preparation.

  2. Simple delicious rice preparation Nayna...

  3. Totally amazing and colorful! I've stayed in Kenya but never knew that these many spices are used in South Africa because Kenyans use only salt and nothing else.

  4. Mouthwatering here..Drooling here,

  5. looks delicious and a easy recipe..Thank you so much for sharing this:)

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  6. perfectly done n beautiful luking
    BTW Iam back to blogging n im ur new follwer too.PLZ visit my space if gets sum time n plz check out my new FB page dear..Hope u vl clik on like on FB page dear.Thanx in advance...

  7. Thanks for the recipe. The rice is nicely presented.

  8. Ah a recipe from 'home' (I lived in SA for many years)! We also used to have this served cold with salad and a braai! :-)


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